List organizations

To get a list of organizations, run GET against /api/organizations/ as authenticated user.

Filtering organization list is supported through HTTP query parameters, the following fields are supported:

  • ?name=<organization name>
  • ?native_name=<organization native name>
  • ?abbreviation=<organization abbreviation>
  • ?customer_uuid=<customer uuid>
  • ?customer=<customer url>

Sorting is supported in ascending and descending order by specifying a field to an ?o= parameter.


  • ?o=name - sort by name
  • ?o=native_name - sort by native name
  • ?o=abbreviation - sort by abbreviation


  • ?o=-name - sort by name
  • ?o=-native_name - sort by native name
  • ?o=-abbreviation - sort by abbreviation

Create a organization

To create a new organization, issue a POST with organization details to /api/organizations/ as a staff user.

Request parameters:

  • name - organization name (required)
  • native_name - organization native name (required)
  • abbreviation - organization abbreviation (required and unique)
  • customer - URL of organization customer (optional)

Example of a request:

POST /api/organizations/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token c84d653b9ec92c6cbac41c706593e66f567a7fa4

    "customer": "",
    "name": "My organization",
    "abbreviation": "MO",
    "native_name": "Minu organisatsioon"

Display organization

To get organization data - issue GET request against /api/organizations/<organization_uuid>/.

Example rendering of the organization object for staff user:

    "url": "",
    "customer": "",
    "name": "My organization",
    "uuid": "ab937a628b194c2dba9b414741e918ec",
    "abbreviation": "MO",
    "native_name": "Minu organisatsioon"

Delete organization

To delete organization - issue DELETE request against /api/organizations/<organization_uuid>/ as staff user.

List organization users

To get list of all organization users - issue GET request against /api/organization-users/.


  • Staff user can see users of all organizations.
  • Customer owner can see users of the connected organization.
  • Regular user can see only his organization user.

Response example:

        "url": "",
        "user": "",
        "username": "Alice",
        "uuid": "2de6bc633e56403f9a73c7a3baf9677e",
        "is_approved": false,
        "organization": ""
        "url": "",
        "user": "",
        "username": "Bob",
        "uuid": "701e29fbc30f44c895cafc6848a9bda8",
        "is_approved": false,
        "organization": ""

Filtering organization users list is supported through HTTP query parameters, the following fields are supported:

  • ?organization=<organization url>
  • ?organization_uuid=<organization uuid>
  • ?user=<user url>
  • ?user_uuid=<user uuid>
  • ?is_approved=<True or False>

Sorting is supported in ascending and descending order by specifying a field to an ?o= parameter.

  • ?o=is_approved - approved at the end
  • ?o=-is_approved - approved at the beginning

Create organization user

To create new organization user - issue POST request against /api/organization-users/.


  • Staff user can create organization user for every user account.
  • Regular user can create organization user only for his user account.

Note that every user can have only one user account.

Request parameters:

  • user - user url (required, unique)
  • organization - organization url (required)

Example of a request:

POST /api/organization-users/24156c367e3a41eea81e374073fa1060/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token c84d653b9ec92c6cbac41c706593e66f567a7fa4

    "user": "",
    "organization": ""

Display organization user

To get organization user data - issue GET request against /api/organization-users/<user_uuid>/.

Example rendering of the organization object for staff user:

    "url": "",
    "user": "",
    "username": "Alice",
    "uuid": "2de6bc633e56403f9a73c7a3baf9677e",
    "is_approved": false,
    "organization": ""

Approve organization user

To approve user participation in the organization issue POST request against /api/organization-users/<user_uuid>/approve/ as organization customer owner or staff user. is_approved field will change to True.

Reject organization user

To reject user participation in the organization issue POST request against /api/organization-users/<user_uuid>/reject/ as organization customer owner or staff user. is_approved field will change to False.

Delete organization user

To delete organization user - issue DELETE request against /api/organization-users/<user_uuid>/. Note that user can delete his organization user only when it is not approved.